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Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional Yeast - A Pantry Staple for Cooking and Baking

Nutritional yeast is a key pantry staple for vegetarian, vegan and plant-based diets. It is full of essential nutrients and has a pleasant, cheesy flavor that can add depth to dishes. Whether you are eating a plant-based diet, or just looking to add a healthy ingredient to your kitchen, nutritional yeast may be the answer.

Nutritional yeast is a deactivated form of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a type of yeast. It is packed with vitamins and minerals including Vitamin B12, protein, fiber, selenium, zinc and more. It is often fortified with additional vitamins, making it even more nutrient dense. Nutritional yeast also contains unique polysaccharides with potential health benefits.

The flavor of nutritional yeast is described as nutty or cheesy. It is often used as a flavor enhancer in cooking and baking, as an alternative to cheese for those who cannot eat dairy, or as an ingredient in vegan dishes to give them depth. Nutritional yeast also has a fluffy texture which can be used as a garnish or topping for salads, soups, stir-frys, grains, and baked goods.

Nutritional yeast is typically found in powder or flake form and can be stored in its dried form for up to two years. When using nutritional yeast, you should keep in mind that the flavor will intensify as it cooks. To preserve the flavor and nutrients of nutritional yeast, try not to cook it for too long.

To use nutritional yeast, first reconstitute it by soaking it in water, broth or juice. You can also sprinkle it directly onto food, or mix it into sauces, dressings, and mixtures. Nutritional yeast has a great versatility when it comes to cooking and baking. It can be added to pasta, risotto, soup and stews, casseroles, tofu, tofu scrambles, polenta, mashed potatoes, sauces and soups. It can also be used to make vegan cheese sauce, vegan “cheesy” popcorn, and vegan cheese substitutes. The possibilities are endless.

Nutritional yeast is a great pantry staple and can be a great addition to any kitchen. Whether you are trying to eat a healthier diet, add more vitamins to your meals, or just explore new flavors, nutritional yeast is a great option. Its cheesy flavor and nutrient-dense profile make it a great addition to any dish, so don’t be afraid to experiment with it in your cooking and baking.

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