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Convection Ovens

The Difference between Traditional Ovens and Convection Ovens

Though traditional ovens have been around for centuries, convection ovens have become increasingly popular among home cooks. But what is the difference between the two types of ovens? Convection ovens and conventional ovens have different ideals when it comes to cooking food and each oven has its own advantages and disadvantages.

What is the Difference Between a Conventional Oven and a Convection Oven?

A conventional oven works by heating air around the food. This creates hotspots within the oven, which can cause certain areas of the food to cook faster than others. Convection ovens, on the other hand, use fans to circulate hot air around food. This allows the oven to maintain an even temperature throughout, and helps to keep the heat from creating hotspots.

Advantages of Convection Ovens

One of the most obvious advantages of convection ovens is that the food cooks more evenly. Because the hot air is circulated, temperatures are even and food does not dry out as much. This leads to more consistent results and may help industries increase efficiency.

In addition, convection ovens are typically faster than traditional ovens. This means that food can be cooked in less time, which translates to cost savings in the long run.

Disadvantages of Convection Ovens

Though convection ovens have their advantages, they come with some drawbacks as well. For one, they tend to be more expensive than traditional ovens. Additionally, many people find that their food does not brown and crisp as well in a convection oven as it does in a traditional oven. This is because the fans can dry food out more quickly, leading to less-than-optimal results.


Convection ovens and traditional ovens have their own advantages and disadvantages. Convection ovens offer even heating and often require less time for cooking, but may not provide the perfect browning and crisping that many people expect from a traditional oven. When deciding which oven to purchase, consider both price and desired results to make the best decision for your needs.

We offer various Convection Ovens products from top brands.

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