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Toys are an important part of a child’s development and there is perhaps no better toy than balls. From bouncing balls to soft textured balls and even inflatable balls, they offer endless fun and learning opportunities while encouraging cause-and-effect interaction, hand-eye coordination and other valuable skills. Here’s a look at the different types of balls that are available for babies and toddlers.

Textured Balls

Textured balls are perfect for infants who are just starting to discover the world around them. These balls usually have various textures, including bumps and ridges. When babies touch and explore these balls, it helps to develop their sense of touch and awareness of textures, as well as working their fine motor skills.

Inflatable Beach Balls

Inflatable beach balls are great for toddlers who are just learning how to hold and throw objects. The bright colors and sizes of the balls make it a fun experience, while also helping to motivate kids to learn the simple act of throwing balls into the air or towards a target. These types of balls can also be used in a game of catch and help build understanding of spatial concepts.

Bouncing Balls

Bouncing balls are perfect for little ones who are just learning how to walk. Not only do they give kids something to throw and chase, but the unpredictable bouncing motion of the ball will also motivate them to stay on their feet. The bright colors of these balls will also excite and engage children, while providing them with physical activity and exercise.

Stuffed Animal Balls

Stuffed animal balls are ideal for toddlers who can already walk and run. These balls are often filled with stuffing, providing a softer surface for little learners to play with. Not only can kids use these balls to explore the world around them, but they also provide tactile stimulation which helps to develop fine motor skills. They can also be used in a variety of ways, such as throwing, rolling, and kicking them around.

Sports Balls

Sports balls can be a great way to introduce toddlers to the world of sports. Not only do these balls come in various sizes and materials, but they can also be used in countless ways. These balls can be used as catcher's mitts, as basketballs, as footballs, and more. Sports balls can also help teach children about precision, hand-eye coordination, and accuracy.

Balls are a great way to keep babies and toddlers entertained, while helping to learn key skills. From textured balls and inflatable beach balls to bouncing balls, stuffed animal balls and sports balls, the options available can provide hours of fun and learning experiences. With so many types of balls out there, your little one is sure to find the perfect one.

We offer various products from top brands for Balls - Click Here for our catalog.


Lacrosse is an exciting, fast-paced game that requires coordination, strategy, and a little bit of luck. This sport requires the use of a special type of ball, one that can withstand movement, impact, and water, called a lacrosse ball. A lacrosse ball is specifically designed to be thrown and caught with a lacrosse stick.

The shape and size of a lacrosse ball is designed to promote proper play. The lacrosse ball is spherical in shape and is generally between 6.25 and 7 inches in diameter. The weight of a lacrosse ball varies across different levels of play, usually ranging from 2.7 ounces for the lightest balls used in the youth leagues to over 4 ounces for professional play.

In addition to its spherical shape, a lacrosse ball is made of solid rubber and often covered in a hard plastic or leather shell, which helps keep it intact. The interior of the ball also often contains multiple rubberized segments, each of which is calibrated to serve a specific purpose. The rubberized pieces cushion the impact of the ball when thrown and caught and give the players a better grip of the ball when playing.

Lacrosse balls come in a variety of colors and styles. While red, yellow and white are the most common colors for adult lacrosse balls, there are also multi-colored balls available for younger players. These vibrant colors can help add extra visual stimulation and make lacrosse more fun for kids.

No matter what size or color you choose, all lacrosse balls serve the same purpose – they’re designed to promote safe, skillful play. Each ball is designed to ensure quality performance, making it easier for players to catch, throw and control the ball during a game. Without the use of a quality lacrosse ball, lacrosse simply wouldn’t be the same.

We offer various Balls products from top brands.

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